Yoga is good for what ails you. Specifically, research shows that yoga helps manage or control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stress and other conditions and diseases

Saturday, May 23, 2015

6 Yoga Poses for Insomnia

Does your mind lace up for laps just as your body crosses the finish line and your head hits the pillow? As lonely as late-night mind racing can feel, nearly a quarter of working Americans suffer from insomnia and daytime fatigue as a consequence. Use this therapeutic sequence to soothe your nervous system and quiet your mind, priming your body to sink into a long, restful sleep.

1. Chandra Bhedana

Moon Breath
Traditionally, the left nostril is associated with the body’s cooling energy and the right with its heat. This left-nostril pranayama practice focuses the mind away from stress. Simultaneously, it massages the organs that activate the onset of sleep, signaling your vagus nerve to send messages to the brain to relax.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Eat to Support Your Yoga

The practice of yoga is inherently individual, directly experienced within the solitary confines of the body’s internal landscape. And why you choose to practice yoga is also personal, with as many goals for yoga as there are different personalities and life histories. But while you approach the sticky mat with your own unique body type, physical geometry, injuries, quirks, and habits, what you are ultimately seeking through the practice of yoga is the universal form. By working with your own individual patterns within the universal form of the asanas, what you probably hope to discover is a place of balance.

The Yogic Diet: 10 Foods to Enjoy & Avoid

Everything that we eat is food for our soul. Yogis believe that food is the creator of prana (life force) that sustains our bodies and brings us vitality and health.  Therefore, the types of foods we choose to eat reflect the level of our conscious development. The discipline of yoga suggests a pure (ethical) vegetarian diet, which facilitates the development of sattva.Sattva is a quality of love, awareness, connection, and peace with all sentient beings. Yogis believe that food is our first interaction with the world around us, and if we do not eat with a sense of love, connection, and peace, all other facets of our lives are inclined to suffer. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

10 Yoga Exercises for Seniors

Start the Countdown
As a form of exercise, yoga has become all the rage, spawning yoga studios, clothing lines and for some proponents, an entire lifestyle. What's the magic behind this discipline of poses and controlled breathing? Is yoga truly a beneficial form of exercise, or is it just some swami mumbo jumbo?
Yoga can, in fact, be good for adults of all ages, especially seniors. Studies have shown that yoga can be extremely helpful when it comes to combating stress, fatigue and pain. Some yoga poses increase core strength and balance, which reduces the risk of fall-related injuries. Other poses can alleviate senior-related health issues such as menopause. Above all, yoga is a form of exercise that can help seniors feel younger.

Tantra Yoga: The Ticket to Nine-Hour Orgasms?

To open you up for a more intimate connection, spend five minutes a day caressing each other's chakras—powerful energy centers located at the crown of your head, third eye (between your eyebrows), throat, middle of your chest, abdomen, perineum, and base of your spine. Vary between stroking, scratching, squeezing, tapping, and placing a still hand on these areas.

Monday, May 18, 2015

8-Minute Workout: Yoga for Better Sleep

Try this 5-move yoga routine to relax your body and mind before sleep. The best part? Each pose can be done in bed!

Upside-Down Relaxation

Minutes: 0:00-2:00

Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

The first act of life – breathing.
The last act of life – breathing.
Everything else lies somewhere in the middle but seems to assume utmost importance in our life. And this key element called breath, driving our very life journey, how often do we stop to observe the process of breathing in and out during the day? We don't feel the need to because it is so natural. But do you know a little attention on the way we breathe can open up numerous secrets to good health? Increased immunity, a calm and relaxed mind, and a happy state of being, for starters? All this by learning to breathe right!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

How to Do Yoga at Home

While attending instructor-led yoga classes outside of your home can be wonderful, it may be difficult to find the time and money to join a yoga studio. Whether you have financial or time constraints or you just prefer to exercise your mind and body at home, you can begin, establish, and stick to a successful at-home yoga routine that can support your mental and physical health.
Part 1 of 5: Planning Your Yoga Practice
Set your intention. The first step in initiating yoga practice is deciding why you want to practice yoga. Yoga can be a method of physical exercise, a way to reduce and manage stress, a means of healing an illness or injury, or a path to complete fulfillment and peace.

8 Reasons Why I Do Yoga

I am a human, much like you, and that means we are consciousness somehow floating inside a meat sack supported by bones. The mind-body duality maintains the same mystery as it did when the ancient philosophers were thinking about thinking, and then thinking about the relationship of those thoughts to the physical form that contains them. Even though we all have minds and bodies, the complexities keep us in a state of wonderment – and this is why I yoga.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline. There is a broad variety of schools, practices and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism (including Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism) andJainism. The best-known are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga.

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8 Reasons Why I Do Yoga

1. Gets Me Out Of My Own Selfish Head

2. Keeps Me Honest

3. Makes Me Feel Strong

4. Reminds Me To Breathe

5. Keeps Desires In Check

6. Help Me Stay Focused

7. Help Me Deal

8. Connects Me To The Divine

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